
Secrets are secure pieces of data you can store and use at runtime, such as API keys, database passwords, or plaintext values. These are made available to your project as environment variables for use as needed.


Secrets are encrypted before being stored in the database. However, due to the nature of Serverize,avoid storing sensitive production data (e.g., production database connection strings or API keys) as secrets.

How Secrets Work

Serverize assigns secrets to channels, making them accessible to any release made under those channels.

Managing Secrets

Store individual secrets

To set secrets for a channel, use the secrets set command along with the project name flag and channel.

Terminal window
npx serverize secrets set NAME=VALUE NAME=VALUE -p <project-name> -c <channel-name>

Example: set single secret

Terminal window
npx serverize secrets set API_KEY=12345 DB_PASSWORD=secret -p my-project -c dev

Example: set multiple secrets

Terminal window
npx serverize secrets set API_KEY=12345 DB_PASSWORD=secret -p my-project

if channel not specified then it defaults to “dev”

Store .env file

You can also set secrets from a file, such as an .env file, using the secrets set-file command.

npx serverize secrets set-file <path-to-env-file> -p <project-name> -c preview


npx serverize secrets set-file .env -p my-project -c preview

This command reads the .env file and sets all the environment variables as secrets for the project my-project and channel dev


Ensure that your.env file is properly formatted with KEY=VALUE pairs, each on a new line.

npx serverize secrets list -p <project-name> -c <channel-name>