npx serverize

The npx serverize command does the logic to configure, build, push and run your project. it execute series of prompts aka (wizard) to put the deployment steps in order.

That’s being said, there other ways in which you can deploy.

Specific framework

Serverize will try to understand the codebase and detect the framework you are using and try to set Dockerfile up, however you can make it more specific by using --framework flag.

npx serverize -p <project-name> --framework <framework>

Using Local Dockerfile

In case you have Dockerfile and want to use it you can do so by executing the deploy command

npx serverize -p <project-name> --file ./Dockerfile

Using Git repository

Serverize also supports deploying from Git repostiry.

npx serverize -p <project-name> --file ./Dockerfile --context

learn more about context inDocker context documentation

Using Docker image

You can also deploy docker image directly.

npx serverize deploy -p <project-name> --image <image-name>

Bear the following in mind: